Pause. Reflect. Elevate.

There are distinct moments in time that give us unique opportunities to pause and reflect; birthdays, new years, and big life changes. Reflection at each of those moments is important, but our hope is that our weekly messages to you encourage you to create mini-moments throughout your day-to-day life to do just that: pause and reflect, and then challenge yourself to grow or improve in some way.

This coming week on November 16th, Delbert Adams Construction Group will celebrate our 15th anniversary. 15 years, that’s no small feat!! We are abundantly grateful for every team member, client, trade partner, and friend whose hard work and support are, without a doubt, the reason we are able to celebrate such an exciting day. So, as we celebrate this week, please also join us in reflecting- being grateful for what we have had and continuing to push ourselves and those around us to elevate the experience of living.

Thank you for a tremendous 15 years!