Might As Well Be Amusing

“You live but once; might as well be amusing.”
– Coco Chanel

Being serious, directed, or earnest absolutely has its time and its place, but so does amusement. Surely, even the busiest and most accomplished of us out there can spare a few minutes for that.

So what are we suggesting you spare a minute for? We’re proposing that you create the literal and figurative space in your life to seek out enjoyment, to revel in entertainment, and to treasure delight.

This week, we encourage you to take a step back from the seriousness of life and do something that amuses you. Gather and have a good belly laugh around a table with friends. Or, pause and host a movie night for your family. Slow down and appreciate all the joy that life can bring when you make the space for it.


Gather your friends around the table for an early ‘friendsgiving’

Grab the popcorn, and settle into a good flick!

Whether it’s the colors of your cabinets or a beautiful work of art, bring things into your life that amuse you.