Are you discovering or creating?

“The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation.” – Neal Donald Walsch

This week on November 16th, Delbert Adams Construction Group celebrated our 15th anniversary! We recognize that we didn’t make it this far by accident, but rather by hard work, focused progression, and alongside clients that trust us with challenging and exciting projects. When we went into business, it was with a goal to provide the highest quality of service while building exquisite spaces.

Since inception, every thoughtful and intentional action throughout the last 15 years has created that reality for us. Now we challenge you to reflect: are you waiting for life to happen to you or are your actions creating the reality that you want for yourself, for your family, and for your community? What can you change about yourself, your actions, and the spaces you inhabit to create the life you want?


We’re grateful to have had the opportunity to work on too many incredible projects to fit below, but here are a few notable projects from the last 15 years!

Our team has grown and changed over the years. Every person who has worked alongside us to make our projects happen has left an indelible mark on this company, changing it for the better and shaping it into what it is today!