Have You Experienced This Before?

Let me paint you a picture: After months of quarantine, you’re sitting at the dining room table, filled with your work, just minding your own business. One child is clearly *not* paying attention to their virtual schooling as they sit at the center island, the other is somehow working, sprawled out on the floor, paper, pens and cords encircling them and…well who knows where the third is. Your spouse yells downstairs from their makeshift office “Honey! Where is the [inset very easy to find object here]?” And then it happens: you realize I just can’t live like this any longer.

The good news? You don’t have to!

We have all had this moment more than a few times in the last 10 months of quarantine and chaos. Whether it is a frustrating kitchen layout, a lack of storage space, or your deep longing for your own relaxing space, we’ve seen it all and are ready to help. So many of our projects this year are focusing on an idea of practical comfort; creating a space that makes you feel calm and at home but that also gives you the storage, and functional set up you need. Are you ready to give yourself the gift of a space you love? Take a look at the before and afters below to get you excited about how you could transform your space!


After- Wow!


After- What a Transformation!